Pizikên SSAW
Di qada mezin a endezyariya pîşesaziyê de, pêkhateyek girîng a ku hêz û pêbaweriyê bi gelemperî tê çavandin - pipe welded spiral. Despite its low profile, this engineering marvel embodies remarkable versatility, adapting to numerous applications across a variety of industries. Today, we delve into the intricate details of spiral welded pipe, exploring its structure, benefits and fundamental role in supporting modern infrastructure.
Pîvanên Steel Spiral S235 Jr Spiral
S235 JR Spiral Steel Pipe is an excellent product that embodies superior quality and durability. Pêl li gorî standardên Steel ên Karbon ên Ewropî têne çêkirin, ku wekhev e ku bi Standard Q235B navdar Q235B re wekhev e. It is the epitome of carbon structural steel, offering unparalleled strength and resilience.
We are pleased to introduce our latest innovation in piping solutions – spiral welded carbon steel pipes. Ji bo bicîhanîna hewcedariyên cihêreng ên pîşesaziyên cihêreng hatine çêkirin, ev hilberê birêkûpêk standardên nû di yekîtiya strukturî, durustî û karbidestan de destnîşan dike. Bi sêwirana xwerû û çêkirina xweya xwerû, pîvaza steel a welded ya spiral, performansa û pêbaweriya unparalleled radest dike.